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ABE 498 XW1 - Eng Design for Solar SmartHome

Last offered Fall 2023

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in agricultural and biological engineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary to a maximum of 16 hours.

Section Description

Students will work as an interdisciplinary team to design a net-zero solar smart-home for the DoE Race to Zero design competition and Solar Decathlon 2023, including an innovative architectural design; efficient HVAC system; photovoltaic power generation; high-efficiency water systems; smart lighting, appliances and home automation; and construction and financial planning. Students will work directly with industry partners and participate in DoE green building training.

Related Faculty

Eng Design for Solar SmartHomeXW172232LCD0 -    Andrew R Stillwell