Course Websites
ABE 469 - Capstone Design Experience
Last offered Spring 2025
Official Description
Design projects which utilize principles of design, engineering analysis and functional operation of engineering systems. Projects originate from industry, nonprofit entities and federal agencies. Design teams develop concepts, evaluate alternatives, model and analyze solutions, and build and test a final product. Emphases on communication skills, technical writing, and interaction with industry representatives. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Current senior standing in an engineering major. Restricted to undergraduate students.
Related Faculty
Subject Area
- Engineering
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Capstone Design Experience | APW | 70549 | PKG | 4 | 1230 - 1350 | T R | 248 Agricultural Engr Sciences Bld | Ann-Perry Witmer Xiomi Ortiz |
Capstone Design Experience | APW | 70549 | PKG | 4 | 1400 - 1450 | R | 248 Agricultural Engr Sciences Bld | Ann-Perry Witmer Xiomi Ortiz |