Course Websites

ABE 426 - Prnpl Mobile Robotics

Last offered Fall 2023

Official Description

Prepares students in design, navigation, control, and autonomy of aerial and ground robots that operate in harsh, uncertain, and changing field environments. Covers three primary aspects of field robotics: perception (sensing), motion control, and data analytics, and bring everything together through labs involving ground robots and flying unmanned aircraft (drones). Course Information: Same as ECE 426. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: MATH 221, MATH 225, and MATH 285, or ABE 415, or ABE 440, IE 300, or STAT 400 or equiv, CS 125 or equiv., or graduate standing.

Related Faculty

Prnpl Mobile RoboticsGC78721ONL4 -    Girish Chowdhary