Scribing, Implementation, and Question Writing Assignment

There are three basic parts to this assignment.

The source files and compiled pdfs for the lecture notes and theoretical questions / answers should be submitted by email to Prof. Varshney within one week of the given lecture as a first draft, and within two weeks as a final submission. 

Please submit a zippled file titled including the following:

  • netid.txt [containing either one or three netids, depending on whether coordinated or not]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_SCRIBE_SP22.tex [containing source for scribing]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_SCRIBE_SP22.bib [containing source for scribing bibliography]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_SCRIBE_SP22.pdf [containing compiled scribing]
  • FIGS [folder containing any figures for scribing]
  • Q1.tex [containing source for first question and answer]
  • Q1.pdf [containing compilation of first question and answer]
  • Q2.tex [containing source for second question and answer]
  • Q2.pdf [containing compilation of second question and answer]

The source code, documentation, and text description of the computational example (including source files and compiled pdf) of the computational example should be submitted to Jason within one week of the given lecture: depending on the nature of what is developed (especially file size), submission procedures may vary; please coordinate with Jason.  With coordination with Jason, a final version can be submitted within two weeks of the given lecture.  As a default, however, please use the following:

Please submit a zipped file titled including the following:

  • netid.txt [containing one netid]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_IMPLEMENTATION_SP22.tex [containing source for description of implemented example]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_IMPLEMENTATION_SP22.bib [containing source for bibliography of description of implemented example]
  • LECTURE_TOPIC_IMPLEMENTATION_SP22.pdf [compiled description of implemented example]
  • FIGS [folder containing any figures for description of implemented example]
  • CODE [folder containing code and other details of implemented example]  



Scoring Rubric.

  0 1 2 3
Scribing - Correctness not done numerous mistakes mostly correct correct
Scribing - Completeness not done numerous omissions mostly complete complete
Computational Example(s) not done trivial, incomplete, or numerous errors non-trivial, complete, largely correct excellent and insightful
Theoretical Question 1 not done trivial or numerous errors non-trivial, complete, largely correct excellent and insightful
Theoretical Question 2 not done trivial or numerous errors non-trivial, complete, largely correct excellent and insightful
Overall Impression not done   satisfactorily completed all tasks amazing, e.g. with novel insights