Individual Project

The purpose of this project is to consider directions in generative AI beyond what we explored in the main part of the course, whether theory, algorithms, applications, or combinations. The scope is quite free, so please do explore your interests.

The one-paragraph proposal is due March 7 at 5pm via Gradescope and should give some indication on what you are planning.  If it is related to your thesis research or other work, please specify what will be specifically new for this course.  You may adjust your plan based on feedback from the course staff.

The paper is due May 2 at 5pm via Gradescope.

The grading rubric is as follows.

Project Proposal (1 pt)

Paper Correctness (4pts)

Paper Insights and Connections (4 pts)

Paper Logic and Development (4 pts)

Paper Interestingness and Overall Impression (2 pts)