Group Project: Generative Topology for Participatory Redesign of Neighborhoods

The purpose of this project is to consider a particular novel direction for generative AI beyond that is linked to an application we explored in the main part of the course.  It is to be done in a group of roughly 3 people: please coordinate group composition yourselves.  All students in a group will receive the same grade.  Although implementation of data processing and algorithms is certainly encouraged, it is not strictly required.  If you look at the grading rubric below, it is focused on problem formulations and discussion of possible techniques. 

The paper is due May 2 at 5pm via Gradescope.

The problem to be addressed in the project is of generative neighborhood topology to support participatory redesign of neighborhoods and is inspired by the guest lecture of Luis Bettencourt and related resources:

The basic question posed to you is to formulate a generative AI problem for the redesign of neighborhoods so that the community is given a diverse set of generated possibilities that may improve quality of life, and suggest algorithmic methods to do such generative topology design.  In order to facilitate your thinking and also to allow you to try out some ideas with algorithmic implementations, some sample data is given at this Box link, which has a zip file.

The primary file is kblock_full_freetown.geojson, which is a street block level file for Freetown Sierra Leone (see bullets for column descriptions and the image below). There are also 5 separate files with building geometries that fall within the 5 districts covered in the former file (these files are named "buildings_SLE_*.geojson"). The last file is called osm_streets.geojson and contains linestrings corresponding to linestring features including roads, coastline, waterways, etc.

The file called "kblock_full_freetown.geojson" contains street block level geometries with the following columns:


The grading rubric is as follows.

Background (4pts)

Algorithmic Approach (4 pts)

Paper Interestingness and Overall Impression (2 pts)