ECE 530: Analysis Techniques for Large-Scale Electric Systems

Fall 2022

Richard Y. Zhang (ryz at illinois dot edu)
Section A:
Mon & Wed 11:30am -- 12:50pm MW 11:30am-12:50pm
ECEB 3015
Office hours:
Tue 12:00pm -- 1:00pm T 12:00pm -- 1:00pm
ECEB 4056
Used for exam grading and project report submission and grading.


Weeks 1-7: Static system analysis

Weeks 8-12: Dynamic system analysis

Weeks 13-14: Special topics


We will aim to cover all chapters in Part II of Milano. The book is available in pdf form via SpringerLink with no purchase required. Crow is a good reference for the mathematical details, though we will also be covering the same details in our lecture notes.


Prior knowledge in power systems, circuit analysis, linear algebra, multivariate calculus. Programming experience in MATLAB and/or Python. The following texts will be helpful as backup references:


Midterm 1
Wednesday, September 28th, 11:30am--12:50pm (80 mins). Closed-book, closed-notes. You may bring a one-sided 8.5" x 11" handwritten cheat sheet. Calculators allowed, but not required. [FORMULA SHEET][INFO SLIDES] Grading through Gradescope.
Midterm 2
Wednesday, November 9th, 11:30am--12:50pm (80 mins). Closed-book, closed-notes. You may bring a one-sided 8.5" x 11" handwritten cheat sheet. Calculators allowed, but not required. [FORMULA SHEET][INFO SLIDES] Grading through Gradescope.
[Instructions][Digest Template] We will simulate a conference paper submission to the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), the premier conference on power systems research. Submission, and grading through Gradescope.
Your paper was selected as 1 of 60 best papers submitted to the conference! You will give a spotlight 8-minute presentation at one of our simulated PESGM Best Conference Papers Session.
The best presentation of each session, as decided by a panel of your peers, will receive a Best-of-the-Best Award worth 2% bonus.

Calendar [Back to top]

Future lecture schedules are tentative and are provided for your information only.

Mon 8/22
Motivation; power systems overview [pdf]
Wed 8/24
Power system static modeling [pdf]
Mon 8/29
Nonlinear and linearized power flow equations [pdf]
Wed 8/31
Solving the power flow equations; implementation of Newton-Raphson; view of DC power flow as Newton-Raphson; dishonest Newton; fast decoupled; nonlinear relaxation methods [pdf]
Fri 9/2
Project scope declaration due
Mon 9/5
Labor Day (all-campus holiday)
Wed 9/7
Voltage stability; continuity and homotopy methods[pdf]
Mon 9/12
State estimation; formulation as linear and nonlinear least-squares problem [pdf]
Wed 9/14
Gauss-Newton method; globalizing convergence; Connections to power flow; local and global minima [pdf]
Mon 9/19
General linear equations; Gaussian elimination and triangular factorizations [pdf]
Wed 9/21
Sparse linear equations; numerical stability and the need for partial pivoting; exploiting sparsity [pdf]
Mon 9/26
Review [pdf]
Wed 9/28
Exam 1
Mon 10/3
Economic dispatch and optimal power flow [pdf]
Wed 10/5
The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker equations. Lagrange duality and shadow prices. [pdf]
Mon 10/10
Dynamic modeling; goals and assumptions; separation of time-scales [pdf][slides]
Wed 10/12
Nonlinear and linearized swing equation model [pdf]
Mon 10/17
ZIP loads, interpretation of Euler's method, more realistic models [pdf]
Wed 10/19
Runge Kutta schemes; Implementation of RK4 [pdf]
Mon 10/24
Small signal stability; participation factors; eigenvalue and modal analysis [pdf]
Wed 10/26
Large-scale eigenvalue and modal algorithms: the power iteration and the dominant pole algorithm [pdf]
Fri 10/28
Project digest due. (Deadline extended) [Digest Template]
Mon 10/31
Descriptor state-space models as control systems [pdf]
Wed 11/2
Realistic generator and load models [pdf]
Mon 11/7
Review [pdf]
Wed 11/9
Exam 2
Mon 11/14
Special topic: Recent progress on optimal power flow. [pdf]
Wed 11/16
Special topic: Robust stability analysis and optimal control synthesis. [pdf]
Sat 11/19 - Sun 11/27
Thanksgiving break
Mon 11/28
Special topic: Unit commitment and integration of renewables. [pdf]
Wed 11/30
No class.
Mon 12/5
Presentation Session 1
Wed 12/7
Presentation Session 2
Mon 12/12
Final project report + code due
(c) 2022 R. Y. Zhang.