Let $$P(x)$$ be a predicate, and consider the following English sentence: >"There is exactly one number for which $$P$$ is true." 1. Construct the negation of the statement in English. 2. Suppose $$P(x)$$ is the predicate $$(x^2 = x)$$. Find a domain for which the statement is true, and one for which it is false. --- **Part 1** Construct the negation of the statement in English. _Scratchwork_: 1. Convert to logical notation: "There is a number for which P is true and for all other numbers, P is false." $$\exists x(P(x) \land \forall y((y \ne x) \Rightarrow \neg P(y)))$$ 2. Negate: $$\begin{align*} \neg &(\exists x(P(x) \land \forall y((y \ne x) \Rightarrow \neg P(y)))) \\ & \equiv \forall x \neg(P(x) \land \forall y((y \ne x) \Rightarrow \neg P(y))) \\ & \equiv \forall x (\neg P(x) \lor \neg(\forall y((y \ne x) \Rightarrow \neg P(y)))) \\ & \equiv \forall x (\neg P(x) \lor \exists y \neg((y \ne x) \Rightarrow \neg P(y))) \\ & \equiv \forall x (\neg P(x) \lor \exists y ((y \ne x) \land P(y))) \\ \end{align*}$$ 3. Translate back into English: >"Either P is false for all numbers or there are multiple numbers for which P is true." _Answer_: "Either P is false for all numbers or there are multiple numbers for which P is true." _Alternative_: $$\forall x (\neg P(x) \lor \exists y ((y \ne x) \land P(y))) \equiv \forall x (P(x) \Rightarrow \exists y ((y \ne x) \land P(y)))$$ i.e., "For every number x such that P is true, there is a different number y for which P is also true." --- **Part 2** Suppose $$P(x)$$ is the predicate $$(x^2 = x)$$. Find a domain for which the statement is true, and one for which it is false. >"There is exactly one number $$x$$ for which $$x^2 = x$$." $$\exists x((x^2 = x) \land \forall y((y \ne x) \Rightarrow (y^2 \ne y)))$$ _Scratchwork:_ $$x^2 = x$$ is true only for $$x = 0$$ and $$x = 1$$. _Answer:_ For the domain consisting of only $$0$$, i.e., $$\{0\}$$, the statement is true: there is only one number, and that number satisfies $$x^2 = x$$. Alternatively: $$\{0,2\}$$. Here, there is only one number satisfying $$x^2 = x$$. For the domain $$\{0,1\}$$, the statement is false: both $$0$$ and $$1$$ satisfy $$x^2 = x$$. Alternatively, $$\{0,1,2\}$$, multiple numbers satisfying $$x^2 = x$$. Another alternative: $$\{2\}$$. No numbers satisfying $$x^2 = x$$.